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Windows - Resources

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These are some Windows resources to help you solve security and updates, provided by Sinalsoft.
You can use these resources/downloads/external links at your will and responsibility, if you know what you are doing
We did check the external links and some external Software, but Sinalsoft cannot be responsible for your actions and external software or links we provide here.

Note that some resources are only available to SINALSOFT Members
There are 5 type of Members and articles, classified from 1 to 5, depending on what they do at SINALSOFT.
This means that a member with level 3 can have access to all resources with level 1-3.

Warning: Your member's level is 0, you will need to Login, so you can see more resources at SINALSOFT !
Type of resourceDescriptionMember Level
AntivirusAntivirus for windows0
Browsersget one of the most used web browsers, from their legitimate sources.0
MalwareSolutions to remove Malware from windows OS.1
NetworkSolve problems with Networks.3
VirusInformation about virus1
Windows UpdateTo solve problems with windows update0
Windows CleanClean commands and patches.3
Windows InstallInstall resources.0
Windows MigrationMigration, compatiblities and tools.0

2025/1/19  |  Users Online 163
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