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LinkExchange - Wizard - Opportunities

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If you wish to see your web site link in our Links Exchange Page, then follow these instructions:

  1. Chose one of the following Links or Banners we have here:
  2. Place the Link or Banner on your Web site's Page or Blog
  3. Send us a message, using our Support/Feedback with the following instructions:
    • The Exact Page where you are placing our Link or Banner
    • The Link address of your Home page or other you chose, from the same web site
    • A small description about your site our activity which you want us to write here near to your link

Feel free to copy any of these html codes and place it in your site:

Link 1

Link 2

Banner 1 ( 468px * 60px )
Sinalsoft - Free Online Tools

Banner 2 ( 160px * 90px )
Sinalsoft - Free Online Tools

Banner 3 ( 160px * 300px )
Sinalsoft - Free Online Tools



Link Placement

1-Before sending us your message using our support, our link must be already placed on your site or page
2-If you prefer not adding our link directly on your Home Page, then please assure that the page you chose, have at least some kind of link from your home page into this one.
You understand that if the chosen page is some kind of hidden or lost page. it will be impossible for the search engines to find it (meaning that all the info and links inside that page will be lost)
3-We will place your link here within 24 to 72 Hours

Contacting us

4-You must only contact us after you place our link or banner in your web site our blog
5-You can contact us again if we fail to answer you within 48 hours, maybe because some reception error
6-In the case you change our Link or Banner to another page, you must contact us again and indicate us this

End of Service

We will be free to end our agreement if:
7-If you change our Link or Banner to another place without warning us after 48 hours
8-If you remove our Link our Banner
9-If your website is, our contains malware, online money gambling, pornography, religious site, racism and any other thing that can harm and cheat people online.

2024/7/27  |  Users Online 19
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