
In this page, we list some of the people who work or help SINALSOFT stay alive.

Some mentions come from people who have helped SINALSOFT in the past.
Others are still here.

You can have your name on this page too, if you chose to work and/or collaborate with us in many ways during an important period of time.
Contact us using our Support page and explain your project, ideas and how you think you can help SINALSOFT .

Paulo Portela

Software Engineer / Computer Science Programmer

Help/ed SINALSOFT with:
   (PP) with SS from/to: (2002-2024)

Sabrina Tinorua

Teacher / Master Geographer / Translator Helper

Help/ed SINALSOFT with:
   (Sab) with SS from/to: (2003-2024)

Nuno Zhu

Marketing Executive/Lawyer student

Help/ed SINALSOFT with:
   (NZ) with SS from/to: (2005-2015)

James Smith

Computer Science Programmer

Help/ed SINALSOFT with:
   (JS) with SS from/to: (2003-2003)

Hm Unk

Tech Engineer

Help/ed SINALSOFT with:
   (H) with SS from/to: (2012-2013)

Andre Dewes

Software Engineer / Computer Science Programmer

Help/ed SINALSOFT with:
   (AD) with SS from/to: (2004-2012)

Pedro silva

Web designer/Tech student

Help/ed SINALSOFT with:
   (PS) with SS from/to: (2002-2003)

Helington Santos


Help/ed SINALSOFT with:
   (Kom) with SS from/to: (2002-2012)

Edgar Mota


Help/ed SINALSOFT with:
   (Nbr) with SS from/to: (2002-2012)

Franck Cohen

Graphic Designer

Help/ed SINALSOFT with:
   (FC) with SS from/to: (2015-2017)


Software Engineer / Computer Science Programmer

Help/ed SINALSOFT with:
   (FG) with SS from/to: (2017-2024)

SINALSOFT - 2003 - 2024