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SINALSOFT is a Computer Science Web organization founded at 2003

2002 The name at this moment was P2Bsoft, hosted as ( )
    - the word P2B came from the Web Gamming Clan, P2B Clan ( )
    - the word Soft came from Software

2003 was the year for starting building our first Search Engine, P2Bsearch hosted as

2005 whith the open market for .EU TLDs, we made the acquisition of the domain, which we used to build our new Search engine inspired us for the new name,
    - the word SINAL came from the Portuguese, Spanish, Italian...etc. word that in English and French it's spelled SIGNAL
Paulo PTA is the Science Computer Programmer's name for Paulo Portela

2002, in this year Paulo PTA was one of the two founders of "P2Bsoft" Organization, the old name of SINALSOFT
2003, the year which Paulo PTA was the remain Programmer continuing the Project, looking for collaborators

2005 was Paulo PTA which created the new name SINALSOFT for the organization.
2005 - 2007 Paulo PTA and André Dewes where the two responsible Programmers for developing the big apps for Sinalsoft like the Sinal Search Engine and it's Crawler, and some for the P2B Clan's apps

2008 was Paulo PTA that created the XEURO internet bank payments system, later down because of the fall of the parallel commercial system which this depended it, and the lack of deposits caused by the world crisis
2009 when was born the top secret project X2009 for free distribution, now archived in the closet due the lack of sponsors

p2bsoft ...

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