Programming a Baby - Articles

This is a colection of articles named "PROGRAMMING A BABY" from the authors Paulo Portela (Computer Science Programmer) wich is one of the founders of SINALSOFT , and Sabrina Tinorua (Geographer, Teacher and Writer) she's listed in the French (outre-mer) writers.

These articles were written between 2009 to 2012.

There are vaious types of articles in this serie.
Some are about Programming for rookies and basic programmers, other articles have nothing to do with Programming, but is about expression, tastes and sharing.

All the articles from Programming-A-Baby series were writen in english only.

We are adding the articles here little by little after upgrading them to the new design


The follow articles have the goal to help some starters with basics for programming:
CSS - file including in html
CSS - my first css doc
CSS - body style
CSS - object position the z factor

SINALSOFT - 2003 - 2025